Sweken IT Solutions
Visit ThemSWEKEN is a State-of-the-Art Technological innovative software solution provider. We have successfully delivered many projects for diverse business communities. We have a wide range of exposure in research, architecting and building enterprise wide applications. Our focus is to provide a world class user experience with most user friendly and highly customizable solutions using latest trends in Information Technology (IT).
We made many customer ideas into reality at our R&D center with high level of customer satisfaction. We have our own brain child products built on SAAS platform and mobile Apps. AAASOM mobile app is one of them and now it is staged in Google Play store. This just one services app covers most of the needs of home or business customers
Our technology footprint is spread across diverse applications like E-Commerce, Mobile Food/Logistic Delivery Apps, Booking Applications; GPS based applications, Customized Websites, IOT Home & Industries Automation, Cloud setup and support of enterprise applications, stock market applications, CRM, ERP, HRM including payroll SAAS Applications